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Tests font vis vs script support by checking up to x characters per script for matching tofu sizes. Allow 2-3 secs before testing to ensure asynchronous font fallback. Tofu results are colored coded as 80+%, 20-80%, 20% or lower. NOTE: [RANGES...] used can be P partial and/or S selective [uses some blocks in that range]. TIP: Click script names in the display to logs code points to console.
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[ i ]
When unchecked, some scripts
will use earlier unicode versions

e.g. Armenian will use v3.0 (1999)
ignoring U+058F (v6.1, 2012)
U+058D, U+058E (v7.0, 2014)
U+0560, U+0588 (v11.0, 2018)

Reduces tofu noise on platforms
with older font versions e.g. if
just checking basic script support

waiting on reflow ...